Race Status:

MyLaps transponders are required for all divisions. Red or yellow MyLaps/AMB will work with our system. Blanket Hill Speedway DOES NOT CURRENTLY RENT TRANSPONDERS. You can purchase a red or yellow transponder at www.mylaps.com. (exceptions to above rule: The BHS Bandits class are not required to use transponders)
Please note it is not the responsiblity of the track if your MyLaps transponder is not placed in the correct location on your car or not working properly. It is the responsibility of the driver.
Raceivers are required for all divisions. This is not only for your safety, but for the safety of other drivers and the track staff. Please make sure they are fully charged and that you have ear-buds that work properly.
No transmitting or listening devices are allowed on the driver or in the car (except the MyLaps transponders and Raceivers).
Seat belts must be 2" or 3" wide (depending on size/age of driver), 5 point approved racing harness, no more than 2 yrs. old.
Helmet (Snell rating of 2015 or better) and approved full face shield required.
Approved fire suit mandatory; (NOMEX underwear, head sock, two-layer suit is highly recommended). All single layer fire suits must wear NOMEX underwear.
Arm restraints, “Hans” or similar restraint, and racing gloves and shoes must be worn at all times. No neck collars permitted for any events including test & tune.
Full containment seats are required for all Junior divisions. Full containment seats are highly recommended for all other classes.
Halos are mandatory for all wingless sprints. 3 point minimum (weld in or bolt on). 4 point bolt on is highly recommended.
Tire prep chemicals are NOT permitted.
All haulers must be equipped with a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
Any questions regarding finish results must be directed to the Race Director prior to the conclusion of the night’s events. Once all events have concluded and the gates are locked, all results are final. The Race Director can be found at the payout window at the conclusion of all racing for the night.
Anyone showing aggression towards any track official/staff, at any time throughout the event, may result in no pay out for that night’s events and possible suspension from the next race event.
You must purchase a pit pass/wristband in order to be in the pit area. If you are caught without a pit pass, you will be escorted off the property. You must have a pit band to proceed to and from the pit area to the general admission area.
No alcoholic beverages, glass containers, and/or firearms in the pit area at any time during race events. Violators will be asked to leave the property.
Any participant involved in any accident while on track premises must report it to the EMT/Medic in the ambulance for an evaluation immediately after reporting back to the pits after said accident (provided the individual is physically able to do so). If individual is not able to make the report, then someone from that race team/crew should make the report. If said participant and/or team /crew member refuses, then a Refusal of Evaluation Form must be signed. Refusal/Negligence in this matter could result in loss of any track insurance coverage (if applicable).
No driver, car owner, or crew member will have any claim for damages or expenses against promoters, track owners, track officials or volunteers for any reasons of disqualification, and/or damages to car, and/or injuries to driver, owner, and/or crew member. They all agree that the track is considered safe if they willingly take part in the racing activities.
All pets must be kept on a leash at all times and are the sole responsibility of the pet owner. Blanket Hill Speedway will not be held responsible for any incidents involving personal pets. Please clean up after your pet.
Please keep the pit/parking areas clean. There are several garbage cans provided. Also, you can ask for a garbage bag at the pit sign in-window if needed.
Please keep haulers parked as close to each other as possible. No more than 14’ will be allowed for a single hauler / team.
No private, individual vehicles will be permitted to park in the pits. If you need to drop off items, you can do that and then exit the pits and park in the designated parking area.
If camping overnight at the track, all fires must be contained within a fire ring - either one brought with you or one made of rocks.
All minor age drivers and attendees in the pit area must have a Minor Waiver Form (found on website under forms) completed, signed by a legal guardian, and notarized, and kept on file with the track. This is a one time completion per race season. A notary will be available at the track for the purpose of notarizing said form. Notary fee is $5.00.
NO STANDING ON JERSEY BARRIERS OR FENCE ALONG THE OUTSIDE OF THE TRACK. This is an insurance issue and will be enforced.
NO STANDING OR WALKING in the pit shute area between the white painted guardrails.
NO EXCESSIVE SPEEDING in the pit area. Remember there are families and children in the pit area. 1st offense will be a warning; 2nd offense will be loss of points; 3rd offense will be loss of payout monies; 4th offense - you will be removed for the remainder of the season and lose all points.
Please do not walk on the “blacktop area” (old race track surface) around the track during events, unless authorized. If you need to visit the concession stand you must remain behind the fencing, proceed on the provided pathway, which exists between turns 1 and 2.
All cars must be in the line up area and ready for your race before the conclusion of the previous race. If you are late to line up, you will start on the tail for that race.
No parents, family or crew members are permitted on the track during a caution or red flag situation. If someone is needed a staff member will escort you out. This is to maintain the safety of everyone attending the event and our staff.
If a red flag occurs during the 270 or 270 Jr. race, any and all push quads can converge in the line up area. ONLY when told, you can go out onto the track and restart your car.
No push starting cars in the pit area. There is a long enough entrance shute to the track from the line up area where you can push start your car. ALL drivers of push quads, atvs, utv and pit bikes must be atleast 16 years of age or older. Drivers must also wear a helmet.
You must carry a general liability policy on all push quads, golf carts and UTV’s used in the pit area. Blanket Hill Speedway will not be held responsible for any incidents involving and/or damage to these vehicles.
Each and every driver, or legal guardian of a youth driver, is responsible for the actions of their pit crew. One designated representative for each race team shall be the sole spokesperson for the race team. Only that representative shall take part in any discussions with the track officials, if needed.
Fighting amongst drivers/crew members WILL NOT be tolerated. Physical altercations will result in a 2 weeks suspension for the 1st offense, possible loss of points, and possible loss of payout. If a 2nd offense occurs, removal for the remainder of the season and loss of all points will result. No negotiating!
Social Media bashing, harassment and attacks towards the track, track staff, drivers and race teams will not be tolerated. Penalties will be determined and imposed based upon the content of any derogatory social posts.
Be Kind and Have FUN.
Track Rules:
Jr Classes: The driver and an adult are required to attend the Driver Meeting together. Please do not send your youth driver to the meeting unattended.
You must start the feature and complete 1 lap in order to be eligible for payout. If you do not qualify for, or cannot start the feature for any reason, you will not receive a payout for that night’s event. Payouts for youth drivers are to be picked up by a parent or guardian, 18 years and older. You MUST collect your pay out weekly - if you do not, you forfeit.
10 lap heats / 25 lap feature for full classes​. If a class has 3 or less cars entered, the feature laps will be reduced at the discretion of the Race Director.
Bandit class will run 5 lap heats and 8 lap features.
No more than 8 cars per heat and 22 per feature.
Flagger controls all racing.
Pole position must start the race at the blue barrel in turn 4. If the pole position car fails to start, then the outside pole position (2nd place) can go. Jumped/bad starts are called at the discretion of the Race Director and Flagger.
NO JUMPING STARTS. If a driver is called for jumping, whether the pole position or further back in the pack, that driver will be moved back to the position behind him/her, and the driver in the position behind him/her will move up.
Double file restarts until 5 laps to go, then single file restarts. Exception is if there are 3 cautions in a row while attempting to start, or restart, a race, the Race Director has discretion to call for a single file start.
ALL cars involved in a caution will go to the rear.
Exception to above: any car that comes to a stop to avoid a caution gets their position back - this is the discretion of the Race Director.
If a yellow or red flag occurs during the first lap of the race (no laps have been completed) there will be a complete restart with all cars getting their original starting position back.
Any driver causing 2 cautions in a heat race will be black flagged and sent to the pits.
Any driver causing 3 cautions in a feature race will be black flagged and sent to the pits.
Rough driving will not be tolerated and the Race Director and Flagger will use discretion regarding any incidents that occur. This may result in a driver being black flagged.
Top 2 in each heat race must cross the scales and weigh in after receiving the checkered flag.
Top 4 in every feature race must cross the scales and weigh in after receiving the checkered flag.
Any driver that is disqualified from a race for aggressive driving, an illegal motor, tech related issue etc. will forfeit all points earned during that event.
TECH - All cars are subject to Tech at any given time. Please make sure to follow the rules and avoid seeking out "grey areas" that may lead to a DQ.
You have the right to protest any motor that you feel may be illegal. You must protest the motor the day of the race. In order to protest a motor, YOU must put up a $350 deposit. If the motor is determined to be legal you will lose the $350 deposit. The deposit money will be used to return the motor to original condition (and to reseal the motor if a Jr Sprint). If the motor is determined to be illegal, your deposit of $350 will be refunded and the owner of the illegal motor will pay for the expenses to have the motor sent through tech (and resealed for a Jr Sprint). Illegal cars will result in a lose of points for the event and a suspension of 2 races following the event of the protest. Motors must be inspected prior to returning to race (Jr Sprint motors must be inspected and resealed prior to returning to race).
The track is not responsible for any fees associated with a motor protest.
Please note that tech may confiscate a motor at any time, even if not protested.
PLEASE REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN!!!! Last updated on 8/9/24.